We discuss the interrelations between symmetry of an Ito stochastic differential equations (or systems thereof) and its integrability, extending in party results by R. Kozlov [J. Phys. A 43 (2010) & 44 (2011]. Together with integrability, we also consider the relations between symmetries and reducibility of a system of SDEs to a lower dimensional one. We consider both "deterministic" symmetries and "random" ones, in the sense introduced recently by Gaeta and Spadaro [J. Math. Phys. 58 (2017)].
I. INTRODUCTIONIt is well known that symmetry methods are among the most powerful tools for the study of nonlinear deterministic differential equations [3,7,25,26,29]. It is thus natural to think they could be useful also in the study of stochastic differential equations (SDEs).This observation is of course not new, and indeed there is by now a substantial literature devoted to symmetries of SDEs (see [12] for an extended reference list). In a first phase the efforts focused on determining the proper -that is, useful -definition of symmetry for a SDE and hence the determining equations; there is now a consensus on what this suitable definition is (see below). The second and crucial phase is of course to understand how these can be used in the study of SDEs.The main idea -paralleling the approach for deterministic equations -is to use symmetry-adapted coordinates to implement a reduction of the SDE. It should be stressed that here one should think of the decomposition of a given system into a smaller (lower dimensional) one plus one or more reconstruction equations, as in the case of deterministic Dynamical Systems; we are here going to study systems of Ito equations, which are the stochastic counterpart of first order ODEs, i.e. indeed Dynamical Systems.A key result in this direction was obtained by Kozlov [18] for scalar SDEs, showing that if such an SDE possesses a symmetry of a certain type ("simple" symmetries, to be defined below), then it can be integrated; the theorem is actually constructive, i.e. the symmetry determines a change of variables which allows for explicit integration of the SDE (see below for details).In the case of systems of SDE, Kozlov's approach [19,20] shows that a symmetry of the appropriate type implies that the system can be "partially integrated" (in a sense to be made precise below).Kozlov approach is based -like analogous results for deterministic equations -on changes of variables to use favorable properties of symmetry-adapted coordinates; it is essential that symmetries are preserved under changes of coordinates. In a companion paper [13] we have argued that while this fact is entirely obvious for deterministic equations, preservation of symmetries for Ito stochastic equations cannot be given for granted. The reason is that Ito equations are not geometrical objects, and indeed do not transform in the "usual" way (i.e. under the familiar chain rule) under changes of coordinates: in fact, they transform according to the Ito rule. However it turns out that there is a rather ample class of ...