Rate-induced tipping, or simply R-tipping, occurs when time-variation of input parameters of a dynamical system interacts with system timescales to give genuine nonautonomous instabilities that cannot, in general, be understood in terms of autonomous bifurcations in the frozen system with a fixed-in-time input. Such instabilities appear as the input varies at some critical rates. Finding these critical rates and characterising what happens when they are exceeded is of great interest in natural science. The challenge is that it requires development of mathematical concepts and techniques beyond classical autonomous bifurcation theory.This paper develops an accessible mathematical framework and gives testable criteria for R-tipping in multidimensional nonautonomous dynamical systems with an autonomous future limit. Our focus is on R-tipping via loss of tracking of base attractors that are equilibria in the frozen system, due to crossing what we call regular thresholds. These thresholds are associated with regular edge states: compact hyperbolic invariant sets with one unstable direction and orientable stable manifold, that lie on a basin boundary in the frozen system. We define Rtipping and critical rates for the nonautonomous system in terms of special solutions that limit to a compact invariant set of the future limit system that is not an attractor. We then focus on the case when the limit set is a regular edge state of the future limit system, which we call the regular R-tipping edge state that anchors the associated regular R-tipping threshold at infinity. We then introduce the concept of edge tails to rigorously classify R-tipping into reversible, irreversible and degenerate cases. The main idea is to use autonomous dynamics and regular edge states of the future limit system to analyse R-tipping in the nonautonomous system. To that end, we compactify the original nonautonomous system to include the limiting autonomous dynamics. This allows us to give easily verifiable conditions in terms of simple properties of the frozen system and input variation that are sufficient for the occurrence of Rtipping. Additionally, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the occurrence of reversible and irreversible R-tipping in terms of computationally verifiable (heteroclinic) connections to regular R-tipping edge states in the compactified system. Thus, our work extends existing results for R-tipping in one dimension to arbitrary dimension and to different cases of R-tipping, some of which can occur only in higher dimensions.