This work provides formulae for the ε-subdifferential of integral functions in the framework of complete σ-finite measure spaces and locally convex spaces. In this work we present here new formulae for this ε-subdifferential under the presence of continuity-type qualification conditions relying on the data involved in the integrand.We provide new formulae for the subdifferential and the ε-subdifferential of the convex integral function given by the following expressionwhere (T, Σ, µ) is a complete σ-finite measure space, and f : T × X → R is a convex normal integrand defined on a locally convex space X.General formulae have been established in [19] using a finite-dimentional reduction approach, without additional assumptions on the data represented by the integrand f . In this paper, we use natural qualifications condition, involving appropriate continuity assumption on the integrand, to give more explicit characterization of the subdifferential and the ε-subdifferential of the function I f .