1DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mechanism that critically regulates gene 2 expression and genomic stability. In plants, Domains Rearranged Methyltransferase 2 3 (DRM2) preferentially mediates CHH methylation (H=C, T, A), a substrate specificity 4 distinct from that of mammalian DNA methyltransferases. However, the underlying 5 mechanism is unknown. Here, we report structure-function characterizations of DRM2-6 mediated methylation. An arginine finger from the catalytic loop intercalates into DNA 7 minor groove, inducing large DNA deformation that impacts the substrate specificity of 8 DRM2. To accommodate the substrate deformation, the target recognition domain of 9 DRM2 embraces the enlarged DNA major groove via shape complementarity, disruption 10 of which via C397R mutation shifts the substrate specificity of DRM2 toward CHG DNA.
11This study uncovers DNA deformation as a mechanism in regulating the substrate 12 specificity of DRM2, implicative of transposon-specific repression in plants. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25of methylation than the cytosines in the first and second position (16), showing a CHH 1 sub-context specificity. Genomic meta-analysis has also shown that certain trinucleotide 2 contexts, such as CAA and CTA, have a greater methylation frequency than others (e.g. 3 CCC and CCT) (17), supporting a role of sequence context in shaping genomic 4 methylation. Despite these observations, how DNA methyltransferases interplay with 5 substrate sequence to orchestrate distinct DNA methylation patterns at various genomic 6 regions remains unknown. 7 To elucidate the molecular basis of DRM2-mediated CHH methylation, we 8 performed comprehensive structural characterizations of DRM2-substrate complexes 9 and functional validation analysis in vivo. Remarkably, residue R595 from the catalytic 10 core intercalates into the non-target strand, resulting in large DNA deformation, while 11 the target recognition domain (TRD) embraces the deformed DNA major groove via 12 shape complementarity. Biochemical and genome-wide methylation analyses reveal 13 that this DNA deformation permits high methylation efficiency of DRM2 for targets with 14 AT-rich flanking sequences populated in TEs. Substitution of TRD residue C397 with 15 arginine perturbs the shape complementarity between TRD and DNA, shifts the 16 substrate specificity of DRM2 toward the CHG DNA and consequently reshapes the 17 genome-wide DNA methylation patterns. Collectively, this study identified a novel 18 substrate-recognition paradigm for DNA methylation, underpinned by DNA deformation, 19with strong implication in locus-and sequence-specific DNA methylation establishment 20 and maintenance in plants.