The Community of Madrid is one of the main focuses of Cultural and Creative Industries in Spain (CCI), therefore it is necessary to measure their socioeconomic impact in the region in aspects such as competitiveness, investment, employment and social cohesion. Objectives: The objective of this article is to introduce a model, using a harmonized and comparable methodology, that identifies the evolution of CCIs in the Community of Madrid (CAM) in the current context of digital change, so to understand public policies and gain awareness, from an Autonomic perspective, about to what extent they contribute to the generation of employment and social wellbeing. The purpose of our research is, therefore, the construction of tools that improve current statistical parameters and that promote their implementation by Autonomic governments -which doesn"t have a Strategic Plan so far, as other Autonomies do-, establishing a better connection with the goals of Horizon 2020 Programme. regarding regional GDP, stabilization of performative fine arts and libraries and museums, and the dropping of architecture, both economic and labour. We also find there are huge differences in the investment in culture among AACC.