Abstract. Two recent deformation schemes for quantum field theories on two-dimensional Minkowski space, making use of deformed field operators and Longo-Witten endomorphisms, respectively, are shown to be equivalent.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010). 81T05, 81T40.Keywords. deformations of quantum field theories, two-dimensional models, modular theory.
Deformations of QFTs by Inner Functions and Their RootsIn recent years, there has been a lot of interest in deformations of quantum field theories [1,3,[8][9][10]12,[17][18][19][20][21][22]24] in the sense of specific procedures modifying quantum field theoretic models on Minkowski space, mostly motivated by the desire to construct new models in a non-perturbative manner. Various constructions have been invented, relying on different methods such as smooth group actions, noncommutative geometry, chiral conformal field theory, boundary quantum field theory, and inverse scattering theory.In many situations, it is possible to set up the deformation in such a way that Poincaré covariance is completely preserved and locality partly. More precisely, often the deformation introduces operators which are no longer localized in arbitrarily small regions of spacetime, but rather in unbounded regions like a Rindler wedge W := {x ∈ R d : x 1 > |x 0 |}. In the operator-algebraic framework of quantum field theory [14], such a wedge-local Poincaré covariant model can be conveniently described by a so-called Borchers triple (M, U, ) [4,8], consisting of a GL and JS supported by FWF project P22929-N16 "Deformations of quantum field theories". Y. Tanimoto supported by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst.