Field trials were conducted in 2005 and 2006 in central and southwest Missouri to investigate the eff ect of seeding rate and herbicide programs on weed control, forage quality, and yield within the year of establishment in spring seeded glyphosate-resistant (GR) alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). In all experiments, EPTC (4.4 kg ha -1 ), 2,4-DB plus sethoxydim (1.1 plus 0.21 kg ha -1 ), imazamox (0.043 kg ha -1 ) and glyphosate (0.86 kg ae ha -1 ) were applied to GR alfalfa that was seeded at 4.5, 8.9, 13.5, and 18 kg ha -1 . Across all locations, the glyphosate application provided good control of weeds regardless of alfalfa seeding rate. When applied at the same timing, imazamox provided similar levels of annual broadleaf weed control as glyphosate, while 2, 4-DB plus sethoxydim provided similar levels of annual grass and broadleaf weed control as glyphosate. Neither glyphosate nor the conventional herbicide treatments reduced alfalfa stem density between the fi rst and last annual harvests, but 2, 4-DB plus sethoxydim resulted in the most visual injury to seedling alfalfa stands and lowered initial yields at all locations. In addition, alfalfa annual yields were similar or higher in the glyphosate treatment compared to the other herbicide programs. Harvested forage in the herbicide treatments generally had greater crude protein (CP) content than the untreated control forage. Application of glyphosate resulted in similar or higher forage CP content compared to conventional herbicide treatments. In vitro true digestibility of the harvested GR alfalfa ranged from 750 to 860 g kg -1 DM at all locations with few diff erences across herbicide treatments.