This paper presents an efficient discontinuous Galerkin method to simulate wave propagation in heterogeneous media with sub-cell variations. This method is based on a weight-adjusted discontinuous Galerkin method (WADG), which achieves high order accuracy for arbitrary heterogeneous media [1]. However, the computational cost of WADG grows rapidly with the order of approximation. In this work, we propose a Bernstein-Bézier weight-adjusted discontinuous Galerkin method (BBWADG) to address this cost. By approximating sub-cell heterogeneities by a fixed degree polynomial, the main steps of WADG can be expressed as polynomial multiplication and L 2 projection, which we carry out using fast Bernstein algorithms. The proposed approach reduces the overall computational complexity from O(N 2d ) to O(N d+1 ) in d dimensions. Numerical experiments illustrate the accuracy of the proposed approach, and computational experiments for a GPU implementation of BBWADG verify that this theoretical complexity is achieved in practice.