Background: The research focused on evaluating the biological and reproductive parameters of the species S. sunia with the introduction of field genetic material, in the Noctuid Insect Breeding Laboratory. Methods: The study was experimental using three treatments and three repetitions involving 30 individuals each. The individuals were collected from the field and transferred to the laboratory under semi-controlled conditions of temperature and humidity, later they were quarantined for up to three generations for the assembly of the test where the crossing was carried out. In the measurement of the biological and reproductive parameters. Results: The results of the treatments showed that the biological and reproductive parameters in relation to the number of pupae were T2 34 males and 26 females, T3 was 33 males, and 27 females, T1 obtained 27 males and 33 females. The average weight in female T1 was 0.2112 mg and T2 was 0.2401 mg. The number of eggs in T1 in nine days oviposited 196 egg masses, in T2 in seven days 59 egg masses were oviposited, and in T3 160 egg masses were oviposited. In the length parameter in mm T3 obtained 30 mm in larval development, T1 and T2 obtained 27 mm. Finally, in the development stages, the number of days was for T1 and T2, 24 days, and for T3 18 days. In the adult stages T1 and T2 it was 12 days and for T3 10 days. In the egg stage in the three treatments, it was three days and the pupal stage was eight days. Conclusions: It is concluded that T2 and T3 presented the most optimal results. It is recommended to introduce genetic material every six months to maintain a good production of larvae of the species under study in laboratories for the production and reproduction of insect breeding.