Carbon reinforcements enjoy increasing popularity both in building reinforcement and in new construction. The use of yarns with more than 50 000 filaments per roving and finenesses of up to 3300 tex, so-called heavy tows, enables greater permissible stress and thus increases the performance of the textile reinforced concrete structures. However, high yarn tensile forces with an almost constant roving surface lead to an extension of the required end anchorage and overlap areas. In the project, it was investigated whether a modified loop-shaped yarn arrangement at the selvages could guarantee force transmission over shorter lengths and thus enables a more economic design of this type of construction. This paper presents the results generated within the investigations, proving the potential of the applied method. Manufacturing possibilities, force transmission mechanisms, material properties, and failure mechanisms were analyzed. K E Y W O R D S anchorage length, carbon fiber heavy tows, carbon reinforcement, overlapping length, textilereinforced concrete 1 | INTRODUCTION Carbon, a relatively new nonmetallic reinforcement material, is currently gaining increasing acceptance in the construction industry. Layered fabric structures have established themselves as textile reinforcement materials for new buildings, but especially for the strengthening of existing structures. Since the first General Building Approval in Germany was granted in 2014, 1-3 the use of textiles for the strengthening of steel-reinforced concrete has increased. The application of textile reinforcement has thus become more userfriendly and will be extended by future building approvals. Detailed information on the application of textile-reinforced concrete (TRC), corresponding material tests, and dimensioning concepts can be found for example, in References (4-8). Yarns with higher fineness can improve the economic and structural performance of textile reinforcements. At the beginning of the research on TRC, yarns with less than 1000 fibers were often used. Yarns with finenesses from 3200 to 3600 tex and thus larger crosssections, so-called Carbon Fiber Heavy Tows (CFHT), enable higher tensile strengths for each reinforcement layer. A single layer of today's CFHT fabric can replace several layers of earlier variants of textile reinforcement with low fineness. This makes handling on site more efficient and significantly reduces production costs. 9 CFHT have been investigated in basic research projects 10-14 and were used in initial practical applications. 15-20 However, the use of CFHT is limited by its bond properties. An increase in the quantity of filaments leads on the one hand to an increase in the yarn's tensile capacity. On the other hand, the ratio