Poor economies not only produce less; they typically produce things that
involve fewer inputs and fewer intermediate steps. Yet the supply chains of
poor countries face more frequent disruptions---delivery failures, faulty
parts, delays, power outages, theft, government failures---that systematically
thwart the production process. To understand how these disruptions affect
economic development, we model an evolving input--output network in which
disruptions spread contagiously among optimizing agents. The key finding is
that a poverty trap can emerge: agents adapt to frequent disruptions by
producing simpler, less valuable goods, yet disruptions persist. Growing out of
poverty requires that agents invest in buffers to disruptions. These buffers
rise and then fall as the economy produces more complex goods, a prediction
consistent with global patterns of input inventories. Large jumps in economic
complexity can backfire. This result suggests why "big push" policies can fail,
and it underscores the importance of reliability and of gradual increases in
technological complexity.Comment: Main text: 10 pages, 6 figures. Supplementary Information: 15 pages,
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