We determine sufficient conditions on the volatility coefficient of Musiela's stochastic partial differential equation driven by an infinite dimensional Lévy process so that it admits a unique local mild solution in spaces of functions whose first derivative is square integrable with respect to a weight.KEY WORDS: HJM model, Musiela's stochastic PDE, stochastic PDEs with jumps, maximal inequalities.where u x (t) := {u(t, y) : y ∈ [0, x]} and M is a locally square integrable martingale with independent increments taking values in a Hilbert space with inner product ·, · . Moreover, no-arbitrage conditions uniquely determine the functional form of f in terms of σ (see, e.g., Björk et al. 1997;Jakubowski and Zabczyk 2007;Marinelli 2007). The properties of this SPDE in the case of M being a Wiener process are rather well studied: let us just mention Filipović (2001) for a self-contained treatment of existence of solutions, no-arbitrage conditions, and finite dimensional realizations, Goldys and Musiela (2001) for connections with Kolmogorov equations and option pricing, and Tehranchi (2005) for the ergodic properties. A basic question to ask is clearly whether a solution exists to (1.1), and under what conditions on σ and f . If M is a Wiener process, one can draw on a large body of results (see, e.g., Da Prato and Zabczyk 1992) to establish existence of solutions. In the general case of discontinuous M, the situation turns out to be more involved, not only because the no-arbitrage "constraint" on the drift term f is relatively more complicated, but also (perhaps mainly) because the theory of stochastic PDEs driven by jump noise is not so well developed (see, however, for instance, Métivier