We are concerned with a nonlocal transport 1D-model with supercritical dissipation γ ∈ (0, 1) in which the velocity is coupled via the Hilbert transform, namely the so-called CCF model. This model arises as a lower dimensional model for the famous 2D dissipative quasigeostrophic equation and in connection with vortex-sheet problems. It is known that its solutions can blow up in finite time when γ ∈ (0, 1/2). On the other hand, as stated by Kiselev (2010), in the supercritical subrange γ ∈ [1/2, 1) it is an open problem to know whether its solutions are globally regular. We show global existence of non-negative H 3/2 -strong solutions in a supercritical subrange (close to 1) that depends on the initial data norm. Then, for each arbitrary smooth non-negative initial data, the model has a unique global smooth solution provided that γ ∈ [γ 1 , 1) where γ 1 depends on the H 3/2 -initial data norm. Our approach is inspired on that of Coti Zelati and Vicol (IUMJ, 2016).