able, weather the area of this lingua franca extended also further eastwards up to the western regions of Eastern/Chinese Turkestan (nowadays Xinjiang). In order to get an idea about the particularities of the vocabulary, I gave it for examination to Dr. Sabohat Hashimova, an Özbek teaching Özbek and Russian at Minzu University in 2013-2014, and Dr. Dilaram Veli, one of my Uyghur students at the same university. The conclusions of both of them were more or less the same. There are a number of words not common to, or not found in, Özbek. Furthermore, the vocabulary was considered old-fashioned, phonologically not always corresponding to "Standard Özbek", cf. for this statement also Jarring (Ja37, pp. 5-20). The verbal forms given by Mackenzie as infinitives are mostly present or past tense forms. (32, xxviii) Özb. aba [Haz. abgha] 'uncle (father's brother)'-Mgh/L 2 abānā [Ar.] 'unser Vater' (W77, p. 110)-cf. Haz. vocabulary under abgha 'id.' and aba 'mother'; Badghisi 1960, p. 34; MYYC p. 90; M38, p. 61*; Sevortjan i, pp. 57-58; TMEN §412; VEWT p. 1 (ursprünglich Lallwort) • Pe. āb ~ [Ar.] ab ~ [Ar.] abū 'father' (St pp. 3, 11); Taj. ab (lit.) 'father, ancestor' (Mir06, p. 23; →), abu/l [Pe.] 'father (with proper names); owner, holder' (id. p. 24); Dari ab ~ âbâ 'Vater' (KiMi78, p. 20); Pšt. ab [Ar.] ~ abā [Ar.] 'father [отец, батюшка]' (As85, p. 19) ~ ab [Ar.] 'father, master, possessor' ~ abā 'a word of endearment to a father' (Rav67, pp. 1, 2); Urd. ab [Ar.] 'father (rare)' ~ abbā [Hi.] 'father, superior; a consummate knave' ~ abū [Ar.] '(used, like ibn, in combination with a following substantive in the genitive, the final ū being shortened in pronouns if the Ar. article precede the substantive) father, originator, author etc.' (Pl pp. 1, 2, 5) • Tu. (VIII) aba ~ apa ~ äbä ~ äpä words of this form, connoting various terms of relationship abound in modern Tu. languages with meanings as various as (1) 'ancestor', (2) 'grandfather', (3) 'grandmother', (4) 'father', (5) 'mother', (6) 'paternal uncle', (7) 'paternal aunt', (8) 'elder brother', (9) 'elder sister', (10) (presumably metaph.) 'midwife'; some, e.g. aba 'paternal uncle', an abbreviation of Mo. abaγa, and other words beginning with ab° etc. are certainly foreign; others, often occurring in only one language group, are of unknown origin. The only early forms seem to be (VIII) apa 'ancestor and (XI/Oghuz) äbä 'mother'. In this early period it is often impossible to be sure whether the vowels are back or front and the consonant voiced or unvoiced (C72, p. 5). Differently Röhrborn states "Uig. apa 'Großvater, Vorfahre männl. Geschlechts'; das Wort ist nur auf männl. Personen bezogen, steht also nicht für äbä" (Rö p. 167)-Trkm. aba (i) 'father, dad/dy', (ii) n. pr.' (BaKaXa68, p. 15); Kir. 1 aba 'Onkel; Anrede an einen älteren; älterer Bruder' (Ju p. 17) < Mo. > Özb. > Taj. avå ~ ävå 'Vatersbruder', fehlt bei Bor59 [und CAHG], aus özb. Lokaldialekten aber schon Cag. belegt (Do67, p. 9); prob. not Mo. > Özb., but Mo. > Kir. > Özb. as there seem to be no direct ...