Abstract. We define Schubert Eisenstein series as sums like usual Eisenstein series but with the summation restricted to elements of a particular Schubert cell, indexed by an element of the Weyl group. They are generally not fully automorphic. We will develop some results and methods for GL 3 that may be suggestive about the general case. The six Schubert Eisenstein series are shown to have meromorphic continuation and some functional equations. The Schubert Eisenstein series E s1s2 and E s2s1 corresponding to the Weyl group elements of order three are particularly interesting: at the point where the full Eisenstein series is maximally polar, they unexpectedly become (with minor correction terms added) fully automorphic and related to each other.
AMS Subject Classification: 11F55.We define Schubert Eisenstein series as sums like usual Eisenstein series but with the summation restricted to elements coming from a particular Schubert cell. More precisely, let G be a split semisimple algebraic group over a global field F , and let B be a Borel subgroup. The usual Eisenstein series are sums over B(F )\G(F ), that is, over the integer points in the flag variety X = B\G. Given a Weyl group element w, one may alternatively consider the sum restricted to a single Schubert cell X w . This is the closure of the image in X of the double coset BwB. If w = w 0 , the long Weyl group element, then X w = X so this contains the usual Eisenstein series as a special case. The notion of Schubert Eisenstein series seems a natural one, but little studied. The purpose of this paper is to look closely at the special case where G = GL(3) that suggest general lines of research for the general case.The Schubert Eisenstein series is not automorphic, so its place in the spectral theory is less obvious. An immediate question is whether the Schubert Eisenstein series, like the classical ones have analytic continuation. We will prove this when G = GL(3) and we hope that it is true in general. We * Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305-2125 USA † Dept of Mathematics, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea 790-784 1 will observe some other interesting phenomena on GL(3), to be described below.We will begin by supplying some motivation for this investigation. Recently it has been observed that Fourier-Whittaker coefficients of some Eisenstein series, such as the Borel Eisenstein series on GL r+1 , are multiple Dirichlet series which may often be expressed as sums over Kashiwara crystals. See the survey article Bump [5] for discussion of this this phenomenon and its history. An analysis of the proof of one particular case, in Brubaker, Bump and Friedberg [3] shows the mechanism behind this phenomenon makes use of Bott-Samelson varieties. In this connection, we call attention to one particular point: that such a representation of the Whittaker coefficient of an Eisenstein series as a sum over a crystal requires a choice of a reduced word, by which we mean a decomposition of the long Weyl group element w 0 into a product of simple refl...