Abstract. On the polytope defined in [FFL11], associated to any rectangle highest weight, we define a structure of an type An-crystal. We show, by using the Stembridge axioms, that this crystal is isomorphic to the one obtained from Kashiwara's crystal bases theory. Further we define on this polytope a bijective map and show that this map satisfies the properties of a weak promotion operator. This implies in particular that we provide an explicit realization of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for the affine type A (1) n via polytopes.
IntroductionLet g be a affine Lie algebra and U ′ q (g) be the corresponding quantum algebra without derivation. A promotion operator pr on a crystal B of type A n is defined to be a map satisfying several conditions, namely that pr shifts the content, pr •ẽ j =ẽ j+1 • pr, pr •f j =f j+1 • pr for all j ∈ {1, · · · , n − 1} and pr n+1 = id, whereẽ j andf j respectively are the Kashiwara operators. If the latter condition is not satisfied, but pr is still bijective, then the map pr is called a weak promotion operator (see also [BST10]). The advantage of such (weak) promotion oparators are that we can associate to a given crystal B of type A n a (weak) affine crystal by settingf 0 := prOn the set of all semi-standard Young tableaux of rectangle shape, which is a realization of B(mω i ) the U q (A n )-crystal associated to the irreducible module of highest weight mω i , Schützenberger defined a promotion operator pr, called the Schützenberger's promotion operator [Sch72], which is the analogue of the cyclic Dynkin diagram automorphism i → i + 1 mod (n + 1) on the level of crystals, by using jeu-de-taquin. Given a tableaux T over the alphabet 1 ≺ 2 · · · ≺ n+1, pr(T ) is obtained from T by removing all letters n+1, adding one to each entry in the remaining tableaux, using jeu-de-taquin to slide all letters up and finally filling the holes with 1's (see also Section 6). One of the combinatorial descriptions of KR m,i in the affine A was shown that, as a {1, · · · , n}-crystal, KR m,i is isomorphic to B(mω i ) and the affine crystal constructed from B(mω i ) using Schützenberger's promotion operator is isomorphic to the Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystal KR m,i . The two ways of computing the affine crystal structure, one given by [KKM + 92] and the other by [Shi02], are shown to be equivalent in [OSS03]. Another combinatorial model in this type without using a promotion operator is described in [Kwo]. In this paper, we introduce a new realization of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type A (1) n . In [FFL11] the authors have constructed for all dominant integral A n weights λ a polytope in R n n−1 2 and a basis of the irreducible A n module of highest weight λ and have shown that the basis elements are parametrized by the integral points. For λ = mω i we can understand this polytope in R i(n−i+1) and denote the intersection of this polytope with Z i(n−i+1) + by B m,i . We define certain maps on B m,i and show that this becomes a crystal of type A n . As a set, we can identify B m,i with certain ...