Introduction. Life satisfaction is the result of valuing one's own life, and it is higher when the individual situation is closer to the general norm. It is characterized by dynamic and subjectivity and the way it is perceived is regulated by internal and external factors. Life satisfaction can be described in subjective and objective categories, by various indicators. Objective. The aim of the study was to evaluate the determinants of satisfaction with life in selected aspects among women of reproductive age. Materials and method. The study was conducted on 280 women, selected according to the following criteria: age range 18-45, at least one sexual intercourse per month, lack of chronic diseases or cancer, and consent to participate in the research. The research instruments used were: Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire (SSQ), Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Results. Life satisfaction increased with age (p<0.0001), higher life satisfaction was reported by women with higher education (p<0.001), married, (p<0.01), talked with their partner about their sexual expectations (p=0.03) and did not want to change anything in their sexual life (p<0.001). Analysis revealed a positive correlation between life satisfaction and sexual satisfaction (p < 0.0001). Conclusions. Higher level of sexual satisfaction and sexual health is related to better satisfaction with life. Factors affecting sexual satisfaction include residence, having children, discussing one's sexual expectations with their partner, feeling no need to change one's sex life, and frequency of sexual activity.