The health implications of electromagnetic radiation have been extensively debated due to the sharp increase in the usage of cell phones, Wi-Fi transmitters and other microwave equipment. Electromagnetic radiation affects the autonomic nervous system, heart rate, blood pressure and other cardiovascular functions. This study aims to present a Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) on the human heart tissue and to explore the effect of different frequencies in the spectral range (900, 1,800 and 2,400 MHz) on Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), power density, the Distribution of Electromagnetic Fields by Matlab program, and Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method in One Dimension (1D). A 1-dimensional finite difference method was used to solve Maxwell’s equations in heart tissue. The heart model was subjected to electromagnetic radiation that has dielectric properties according to frequency. Frequency was chosen and the operation of the software program as Matlab and the dielectric attribute has been calculated. Concurring with the Frequency in a private program, are the conductivity, relative permittivity, wavelength and infiltration profundity. The amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted sinusoid waves, relative to the occurrence wave, were portrayed by the reflection coefficient and the transmission coefficient, which relate to the amplitudes of the electric field wave. The electric field, magnetic field and power density were simulated along the line X = Y = 0. The study showed that the impact of electromagnetic radiation depends on the frequency of the wave which hit the heart. It was found that the heart tissue reacts more at 900 MHz compared to 1,800 and 2,400 MHz, and the tissue absorption is higher at the lower frequency. There was a relation between the magnetic field in the y-dimension and the time step the in x-dimension.
The effect of electromagnetic has been theoretically studied where the electromagnetic fields produced from electromagnetic radiation at 900 MHz,1800 MHz, and 2400 MHz on layered biological tissues (heart model) by the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method
A one-dimensional finite difference method was used to solve Maxwell's equations in heart tissue
The amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted sinusoid waves, relative to the occurrence wave, were portrayed by the reflection coefficient and the transmission coefficient, which relate to the amplitudes of the electric field wave
The impact of electromagnetic radiation depends on the frequency of the wave which hit the heart. There was a relation between the magnetic field in the y-dimension and the time step the in x-dimension