Realizations of so called smart grids imply numerous challenges for stakeholders within the energy domain. ICT plays more and more a key role as it provides methodologies and approaches fostering smart grid applications. One of the challenges addresses integrated communications among energy management systems, distribution management systems, power generation systems and SCADA systems. In this case, a key issue to be considered is interoperability in terms of both syntax and semantics. For both, using standardized components like interfaces, protocols and data models, is essential to cope with the increasing number of actors and systems. Standards covering these components are discussed in various roadmaps and studies making recommendations. The Common Information Model is one of the recommended core standards for the smart grid and provides amongst others, a comprehensive data model for the energy domain. Another recommended standard is the OPC Unified Architecture being an abstract standard for server-clientcommunications which could be used in domain-specific contexts. Thus, combining the CIM data model and the UA communication architecture leads to a highly interoperable infrastructure meeting syntactic and semantic requirements. In this contribution, a two-step-approach is introduced realizing such an architecture.