The standard Cosmological model (LCDM) assumes that the expanding spacetime around us is infinite, which is inconsistent with the observed cosmic acceleration unless we include Dark Energy (DE) or a Cosmological Constant ($\Lambda$). But the observed cosmic expansion can also be explained with a finite mass $M$, inside a uniform expanding sphere, with empty space outside. An object with mass $M$ has a gravitation radius $r_S=2GM$. When $M$ is all contained within $r_S$, this is a Black Hole (BH). Nothing can escape from $r_S$, which becomes a boundary for the inside dynamics. In the limit where there is nothing outside, the inside corresponds to a local isolated Universe. The $r_S$ boundary condition corresponds to an effective force which is mathematically equivalent to $\Lambda=3/r_S^2$. We can therefore interpret cosmic acceleration as a measurement of the gravitational boundary of our Universe, with a mass $M = \frac{c^2}{2G}\sqrt{3/\Lambda} \simeq 6 \times 10^{22} M_{\odot}$. Such BH Universe (BHU) is observationally very similar to the LCDM, except for the very large scale perturbations, which are bounded by $r_S$.