Aegilops tauschii Coss. (2n=14, DD) is a rich source of disease resistance genes for the improvement of cultivated wheat including several resistance genes against Hessian fly. To date, five Hessian fly resistance genes (H13, H22, H23, H24, and H26) have been transferred from Ae. tauschii to common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In this study, we attempted the transfer of four genes H22 (1D), H23 (6DS), H24 (3DL), and H26 (4D) from T. aestivum D genome onto A genome chromosomes of T. turgidum. The T. aestivum resistant parents WGRC01 (H22 on 1D), WGRC03 (H23 on 6DS), WGRC06 (H24 on 3DL), and WGRC26 (H26 on 4D) were crossed with T. turgidum cv. Langdon disomic substitution lines LDN 1D(1A), LDN 6D(6A), LDN 3D(3A), and LDN 4D(4A). We targeted the transfer of Hessian fly resistance genes into D-genome substitution chromosomes of T. turgidum by homologous recombination. In total 88 crosses were made. The resulting F 1 plants (345 seeds) were backcrossed with the LDN 5D(5B) substitution line in which chromosome 5B is absent and replaced by a pair of 5D chromosomes with the objective of transferring D genome Hessian fly resistance genes onto A or B genomes of T. turgidum by homoeologous recombination. A total of 2,053 segregating BC 1 F 1 plants were tested for Hessian fly resistance, and the resistant plants (1,132) were backcrossed again with LND 5D(5B) to produce BC 2 F 1 and selfed to produce BC 1 F 2 . In the BC 1 F 1 populations, 24 families segregated for an excess of resistant plants than the expected 1:1 resistant to susceptible plants suggesting that they were putative A-D genome positive recombinants. Mapping analysis using microsatellites was used in these families to identify recombinants between A-and D-genome chromosomes. The data indicated that H22 recombinants were recovered consisting of the distal part of the short arm of 1A, the proximal of 1DS, and the complete long arm of 1D. The recombinant can be described as T1AS-1DS1DL.Corresponding Author:-Moha Ferrahi. Address:-Moha Ferrahi, National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Regional Center of Meknes, BP 578, Meknes, Morocco 50000.
ISSN: 2320-5407Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(11), 728-750
729The recombinant involving H23 probably consisted of the whole short arm of 6D and the long arm of 6A, and is described as T6DS6AL. The centromeric marker indicated that this recombinant has the centromere from chromosome 6A. In addition, monosomic substitution lines were recovered for the remaining resistance genes H24 and H26. These monosomic substitution lines are useful germplasm for further manipulation aimed at transferring genes H24 and H26 to durum wheat.Copy Right, IJAR, 2017,. All rights reserved. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………....
Introduction:-Each year infestations of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say), cause serious damage to both bread and durum wheat in many parts of the world. In the United States, the use of genetic resistance has protected common wheat for the last 50 years (Ratcliffe and Hatchett, 1997). Genetic resistanc...