Now a day, Quadriplegic people depend on powered wheelchairs for mobility which are rare, complicated and expensive.Considering the application of these wheelchairs, the digital type interface is not desirable, because control of wheelchair need preciseness and quickness for safe operation. The purpose of this project is to design a wireless powered wheelchair with novel control system using user's breath pressure and head motion. The two interfacing devices that operate the wheelchair [mounted on cap (head)] are used. Breath pressure (Exhaling and Inhaling) of person and head motions are measured using these devices. Depending upon the breath taken in and out the wheelchair function activates and it moves forward, backward, left and right directions with the help of accelerometer. With this new technique health of the person is monitored with the help of breath pressure without using any kind of sensors like temp sensor, pulse oximetry (SpO2) sensor, heartbeat sensor etc. Motion of wheelchair is controlled wirelessly using Zigbee transceiver. In this paper microcontroller system that enables standard electric wheelchair control by breath and head motion is presented.