“…In addition to affective experiences, a comparison between ERA and RA is typically used in the symptom domain, likely because ERA is better able to capture salient experiences in comparison to EMA. For symptoms, the results are much more diffuse, with some authors reporting higher RA scores for panic attacks (De Beurs, Lange & Dijck, 1992), alcohol use (Simpson et al, 2011) 12 , psychotic experiences (Ben-Zeev et al, 2012), PTSD symptoms (Campbell et al, 2017;Schuler et al, 2019), and social phobia (Rinner et al, 2019), while others have found relatively good congruence for OCD (Gloster et al, 2008) and PTSD (Naragon-Gainey et al, 2012) symptomatology. Mixed results have been reported for bulimia nervosa (Stein & Corte, 2003;Wonderlich et al, 2015) and borderline personality disorder (Solhan, Trull, Jahng & Wood, 2009;Mneimne et al, 2019) symptoms.…”