Operational consistent query answering (CQA) is a recent framework for CQA based on revised definitions of repairs, which are built by applying a sequence of operations (e.g., fact deletions) starting from an inconsistent database until we reach a database that is consistent w.r.t. the given set of constraints. It has been recently shown that there are efficient approximations for computing the percentage of repairs, as well as of sequences of operations leading to repairs, that entail a given query when we focus on primary keys, conjunctive queries, and assuming the query is fixed (i.e., in data complexity). However, it has been left open whether such approximations exist when the query is part of the input (i.e., in combined complexity). We show that this is the case when we focus on self-join-free conjunctive queries of bounded generelized hypertreewidth. We also show that it is unlikely that efficient approximation schemes exist once we give up one of the adopted syntactic restrictions, i.e., self-join-freeness or bounding the generelized hypertreewidth. Towards the desired approximation schemes, we introduce a novel counting complexity class, called SpanTL, show that each problem in SpanTL admits an efficient approximation scheme by using a recent approximability result in the context of tree automata, and then place the problems of interest in SpanTL.
CCS CONCEPTS• Information systems → Data management systems.