Let G be a Lie group and H a connected Lie subgroup of G. Given any discontinuous subgroup Γ for the homogeneous space M = G/H and a discrete subgroup Γ of G isomorphic to Γ, the action of Γ may fail to be properly discontinuous on M (for instance, in the case where H is not compact). To understand this issue, we consider the set R(Γ, G, H) of deformation parameters consisting of all injective homomorphisms of Γ in G, which transform Γ to a discontinuous subgroup of M , so that the related Clifford-Klein forms become manifolds. The group G acts on R(Γ, G, H) by conjugation and the subsequent quotient space T (Γ, G, H) is called the deformation space of the action of Γ on M. The study of these spaces from topological and geometrical points of view, raises many problems of different nature. The main hurdles is to understand the structures of these spaces and some of their topological features. This note aims to record some recent results in the setup of solvable Lie groups and present some open problems in this framework.