We explain the imbalance of the flavor mixing angles between the quark and the lepton sectors in the context of the SU(5) GUT with the see-saw mechanism. The quark masses and the CKM matrix elements are obtained by using, respectively, the Fritzsch and Branco−Silva-Marcos form for the up-and down-quark Yukawa matrices (y u and y d ) at the GUT scale. The charged-lepton Yukawa matrix (y e ) is the transpose of y d , modified by the Georgi-Jarlskog factor. We show that the neutrino masses and mixing angles suggested by the recent solar and atmospheric neutrinos are then obtained from a simple texture of the neutrino Yukawa matrix (y ν ) and a diagonal right-handed Majorana mass matrix at the GUT scale.The Standard Model (SM) is a successful theory. Current high energy experiments are explained within the SM. However, the SM cannot predict fermion masses and their flavor mixing. It is generally expected that there is a more fundamental theory which gives the SM as its low-energy effective theory. The grand unified theory (GUT) is among the candidates of a more fundamental theory. It is also believed that fermion masses and flavor mixings are the keys to open the door to new physics beyond the SM.Recent neutrino experiments [1]-[9] have provided evidences that there are neutrino masses and their flavor mixings. According to the atmospheric-neutrino observation [6]-[9], the lepton-flavor-mixing matrix, which we call the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (MNS) [10] matrix, has a large mixing angle sin 2 2θ 23 ≃ 1, where θ 23 is the mixing angle between the second and the third generations. This is in a clear contrast with the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) [11] quark-flavor-mixing matrix which does not exhibit such large mixings. * E-mail address: naotoshi.okamura@kek.jpIn particular, |V cb | is smaller than |V us |. The mixing angle between the second and the third generation is O(1) in the lepton sector, whereas it is O(10 −2 ) in the quark sector. This imbalance may be a clue to obtain the theory of flavor. Many attempts have been made to explain this imbalance [12]-[14].In the SU(5) GUT [15,16], the Yukawa matrix of the charged leptons (y e ) is related to that of the down-type quarks (y d ). As a consequence, there are mass relations between the charged leptons and the down-type quarks at low energies. The b-quark τ -lepton mass ratio has been reproduced in the original SU(5) model [15,17] and in its supersymmetric version [16,18]. A Yukawa matrix model which reproduces all the mass ratios between the down-type quarks and the charged leptons has also been found within the SU(5) model [19]. However, the imbalance between the quark-flavor-mixing matrix and the leptonflavor-mixing matrix has not been understood within the SU(5) theory.In this article, we study the possibility of naturally deriving the large flavor-mixing angle in the lepton sector by using suitable Yukawa matrices within the SU(5) GUT scheme. In particular, we examine the Fritzsch − Branco − Silva-Marcos (F-BS) type Yukawa matrices [20]- [22]. Texture of these m...