“…Wavelength-tunable OFLs have been extensively reported in the literature. The reconfigurability of microfluidics enables tunable emission by changing the concentration and the 18 μm-20 mm [ 4,100,102,103] Two cleaved metallic-coated end face of fiber, [ 4,14,100] CO 2 laser ablation, [ 97,98] or Fresnel reflection on the fiber flat [27] COF WGM 5 × 10 5 -3 × 10 7 [16,104] 15-196 μm [ 104,172] Fiber drawing technique [ 16,106] or electrospinning [ 114] HOF WGM 3 × 10 3 -1 × 10 7 [29,116] 75-320 μm [ 34,173] Fiber drawing technique, [12] coating, [ 124] or chemical etching [ 29,116] MOF WGM/Photonic gap 4 × 10 4 -1 × 10 9 [17,26] 113-180 μm [ 133,135] Fiber drawing technique [ 129] or chemical etching [ 135] Microfiber Microring resonator 3 × 10 4 -6 × 10 4 [75,84] 360 μm-2 mm [ 75,84,141] Tie a knot by microfiber [ 75,84,141] Microbubble WGM 10 6 -10 9 [ 82,78,174] 3-600 μm [ 78,…”