The preparation of music teachers represents a key factor within the educational framework. In a world in constant evolution, the need to integrate new training proposals that cater to different environments is of vital importance to strengthen music education. The aim of this study is to analyze the use of mentoring in the context of music teaching through a systematic review using PRISMA. Among the results, the main areas addressed by mentoring are observed, being centered around professional development and the accompaniment of both students and teachers who are new to teaching. The profile of the participants in the mentoring relationship (mentor-mentee) is detailed in the systematic review, being the formal models of mentoring, linked to an institution, the most widespread throughout the article. Among the main conclusions, the prominence of the USA in the research and development of mentoring programs is noted and the positive impact of mentoring in both formal and informal contexts is highlighted, emphasizing individualized and group mentoring for professional and personal development in higher education.