High resolution information on nucleotide arrangement in the genome of any or-ganism is critical to understand its genetic makeup, function, and evolutionary his-tory. For years, DNA sequencing has provided crucial breakthroughs in the field of genomics and molecular biology. With the advent of technology, Next Generation Sequencing has now transformed the whole genome sequencing prospects, thus unveiling the novel and interesting features of an organism genome that can behold. Next generation sequencing platforms offer realistic approach to identify and anal-yses whole genome with high throughput, accuracy, scalability in a very short time span. Information obtained can be further used in improving our existing healthcare systems, designing novel and personalized therapeutic modules, making the envi-ronment sustainable and proactively preparing ourselves for future pandemics and outbreaks. This article discusses the various NGS technologies and approaches, their advantages, drawbacks, and futuristic usage in different fields. Though still in nascent stages and marred with flaws, with ongoing advancement, NGS will indeed have promising impacts in the future.