Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is predominantly maternally inherited in eukaryotes. Diverse molecular mechanisms underlying the phenomenon of strict maternal inheritance (SMI) of mtDNA have been described, but the evolutionary forces responsible for its predominance in eukaryotes remain to be elucidated. Exceptions to SMI have been reported in diverse eukaryotic taxa, leading to the prediction that several distinct molecular mechanisms controlling mtDNA transmission are present among the eukaryotes. We propose that these mechanisms will be better understood by studying the deviations from the predominating pattern of SMI. This minireview summarizes studies on eukaryote species with unusual or rare mitochondrial inheritance patterns, i.e., other than the predominant SMI pattern, such as maternal inheritance of stable heteroplasmy, paternal leakage of mtDNA, biparental and strictly paternal inheritance, and doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA. The potential genes and mechanisms involved in controlling mitochondrial inheritance in these organisms are discussed. The linkage between mitochondrial inheritance and sex determination is also discussed, given that the atypical systems of mtDNA inheritance examined in this minireview are frequently found in organisms with uncommon sexual systems such as gynodioecy, monoecy, or andromonoecy. The potential of deviations from SMI for facilitating a better understanding of a number of fundamental questions in biology, such as the evolution of mtDNA inheritance, the coevolution of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, and, perhaps, the role of mitochondria in sex determination, is considerable.Key words: mitochondrial DNA, mitochondrial inheritance, sex determination, paternal leakage, heteroplasmy.Résumé : L'ADN mitochondrial (l'ADNmt) est principalement hérité de la meÌre chez les eucaryotes. Divers mé-canismes moléculaires sous-jacents au phénomeÌne ont été décrits, mais les forces évolutives responsables de sa prédominance chez les eucaryotes restent encore aÌ etre élucidées. Des exceptions aÌ la transmission strictement maternelle de l'ADNmt (« strict maternal inheritance » ou SMI) ont été signalées chez divers taxons eucaryotes, laissant penser que plusieurs nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires de transmission de l'ADNmt existent chez les eucaryotes. Nous proposons que ces mécanismes seront mieux compris en étudiant les exceptions au type prédominant de transmission mitochondrial SMI. Cette mini-revue résume les études sur les espeÌces eucaryotes avec des systeÌmes de transmission mitochondriale inhabituels ou rares, c'est-aÌ-dire autres que la SMI, tels que la transmission maternelle stable d'une hétéroplasmie, la transmission occasionnelle de l'ADNmt paternel (« paternal leakage »), la transmission biparentale ou encore strictement paternelle de l'ADNmt et la transmission doublement uniparentale de l'ADNmt. Les geÌnes et les mécanismes impliqués dans le contrôle de la transmission mitochondriale chez ces organismes « déviants » sont discutés. Le lien étroit entre la t...