The impact of Maori identification on alcohol behaviour and mental health and has been neglected in the psychological literature. This paper consists of a review of literature on the history of alcohol use in New Zealand and its impact on indigenous Maori, on their cultural identity and on their mental health. Previous research has been primarily concerned with the benefits of strengthening Maori cultural identification when treating alcohol abuse. Prevalence rates of alcohol consumption, behaviour and attitudes amongst Maori have also been well established. However, none of these studies have addressed the relationship of Maori identification to alcohol behaviour. Research on the relationship between Maori identification and mental health is also scarce. Because there is little research on the associations among Maori identification, non-abusive alcohol behaviour and mental health, further research in this area would therefore contribute to an understanding of how Maori identification could impact on alcohol behaviour and mental health.Keywords Alcohol behaviour . Culture . Maori identification . Mental health Culture has always been difficult to define but is an important concept in the psychological field because it influences human behaviour (Carlson and Buskist 1997). In essence, it helps to define one's place in the world. High rates of intermarriage, globalisation and international travel have meant once isolated cultures have been exposed to external influences that have altered long held traditions. Cultures are arguably more blended than they have ever been before and many individuals will identify with more than one culture.One way of measuring cultural identification requires establishing the beliefs, knowledge and set of behaviours that are important within a culture and measuring the degree to which someone has those cultural values. The fluidity of culture has meant that cultural norms have been adapted to meet the unique aspects of a changing world. For Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, important cultural values may include Int