A hybrid Minkowskized fractal-like antenna structure for wireless application is presented in this paper. The Minkowskized radiating structure and feed line have been designed at the top layer of the FR-4 substrate (tan(δ) = 0.02, ε r = 4.3, h = 1.6). A modified ground plane with a parasitic patch is etched at the bottom side of the dielectric substrate. The fabricated antenna exhibits the resonance at frequencies 0.83, 1.05, 1.6, 2.12, 3.25, 3.75 and 5.2 GHz. It covers six bands of frequencies band-1 (0.825-0.835 GHz), band-2 (0.913-1.22 GHz), band-3 (1.33-1.79 GHz) band-4 (2.04-2.18 GHz) band-5 (2.9-3.91 GHz) and band-6 (4.9-5.64 GHz) for |S 11 | ≤ −10 dB which are suitable for several wireless communication bands (i.e., GSM 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, Wi-MAX, Wi-Fi 802.11y and WLAN 802.11b/g/a). The surface current distribution and radiation pattern have been studied at resonating frequencies.