Microscopic growth processes associated with GaN/GaAs molecular beam epitaxy ͑MBE͒ are examined through the introduction of a first-order kinetic model. The model is applied to the electron cyclotron resonance microwave plasma-assisted MBE ͑ECR-MBE͒ growth of a set of ␦-GaN y As 1Ϫy /GaAs strained-layer superlattices that consist of nitrided GaAs monolayers separated by GaAs spacers, and that exhibit a strong decrease of y with increasing T over the range 540-580°C. This y͑T͒ dependence is quantitatively explained in terms of microscopic anion exchange, and thermally activated N surface-desorption and surface-segregation processes. N surface segregation is found to be significant during GaAs overgrowth of GaN y As 1Ϫy layers at typical GaN ECR-MBE growth temperatures, with an estimated activation energy E s ϳ0.9 eV. The observed y͑T͒ dependence is shown to result from a combination of N surface segregation/desorption processes. © 1996 American Institute of Physics. ͓S0003-6951͑96͒01211-3͔The wide band-gap refractory semiconductor, GaN, related alloys, and heterostructures have recently come under active investigation due to their technological promise as light emitters in the blue to UV region.1-3 While much recent GaN research has emphasized growth of device structures ͑blue LEDs and lasers͒ on various substrates, 4 -6 comparatively little work has concentrated on the microscopic growth processes that are of significance, for example, in the electron cyclotron resonance plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxial ͑ECR-MBE͒ growth of GaN-related heterostructures. Recently, we have shown 7,8 that it is possible to produce high quality, fully commensurate GaN y As 1Ϫy /GaAs strained-layer superlattices ͑SLS͒. Analysis of such structures through time-resolved reflection high energy electron diffraction ͑RHEED͒ and high-resolution x-ray diffraction ͑HRXRD͒ measurements recently revealed evidence of distinct thermally activated microscopic processes, but, in the absence of a quantitative model to consistently account for these separate RHEED and HRXRD observations, only tentative identification of processes, and at best, semiquantitative assessment of kinetics has been possible to date.
8In this letter, we examine the initial nitridation, N surface desorption, and N surface segregation processes observed in ECR-MBE-grown GaN y As 1Ϫy /GaAs heterostructures through the introduction of a quantitative model that is based on first-order kinetic theory. For the first time, the existence of a thermally activated N surface-segregation mechanism, which appears to be significant under typical GaN/GaAs ECR-MBE growth conditions, is conclusively established and quantitatively assessed. Through application of our model to an unusually strong growth temperature dependence of y in GaN y As 1Ϫy /GaAs superlattices, the existence of a strong N-surface-segregation mechanism, which we suggested previously, 8 but could not conclusively establish in the absence of a suitable quantitative model ͑which is necessary to adequately describe the...