In this paper we prove a Wiener-type characterization of boundary regularity, in the spirit of a classical result by Landis, for a class of evolutive Hörmander operators. We actually show the validity of our criterion for a larger class of degenerate-parabolic operators with a fundamental solution satisfying suitable two-sided Gaussian bounds. Our condition is expressed in terms of a series of balayages or, (as it turns out to be) equivalently, Riesz-potentials.bounded and open, the smooth vector fields {X 1 , . . . , X p } satisfy the Hörmander rank condition in a bounded open set D 0 ⊃⊃ D, a i,j , b j are smooth functions in D 0 ×]T 1 , T 2 [, and the matrix (a i,j (·)) i,j is symmetric and uniformly positive definite. Hörmander-type operators arise in many theoretical and applied settings sharing a sub-Riemannian underlying geometry, for instance in mathematical models for finance, control theory, geometric measure theory, pseudohermitian and CR geometry. Relatively to operators in (1.2), our main result (Theorem 1.3 below) reads as follows:2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35K65, 35H10, 31C15, 31E05.