Lately, it has been seen that wireless communication systems have been more developed and there has been a huge demand for multi-spectral transactions. Using circuits for more than one function is a serious requirement in communication technology. Especially, it expected from RF output stages to show the same performance on more than one frequency. To that end, it is required to produce a solution with wideband designs. In this study, a novel power divider/combiner design with a layered conic line has been investigated for the RF energy harvesting applications. The center frequency was set at 2 GHz and concluded with three different designs. In each design, bandwidth and S parameter characteristics were compared according to the number of layers of the transmission, and it was observed that as the number of layers increases, the bandwidth also increases. According to the design result, triple layer Wilkinson power divider was selected to connect to Villard voltage doubler circuit. The Wilkinson power combiner circuit inputs were given between −10 dBm and 5 dBm input power. As a result, when low input power was given, efficiency was observed about 70%. K E Y W O R D S impedance matching, RF energy harvesting, Villard voltage Doubler, Wilkinson power divider/combiner