The present study presents a view on exploring the relationship pattern between COVID 19 daily cases with weather parameters and air pollutants in mainland India. We consider mean temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, rainfall, wind speed, PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2 and CO as independent variable and daily COVID 19 cases as dependent variable for 18 states during 18th march to 30th April, 2020.After dividing the dataset for 0 to 10 day, 10 to 25 days and 0 to 44 days, the current study applied Akaike s Information Criteria (AIC) and Generalized Additive Model (GAM) to examine the kind of relationship between independent variables with COVID 19 cases. Initially GAM model result shows variables like temperature and solar radiation has positive relation (p<0.05) in 0 to 10 days study with daily cases. In 25 days dataset it significantly shows that temperature has positive relation above 23 degree centigrade, SO2 has a negative relationship and relative humidity has negative (between 30% to 45% and > 60%) and a positive relationship (45% to 60%) with COVID 19 cases (p=0.05). 44 days dataset has six parameters includes temperature as positive, relative humidity as negative (between 0 to 45%) and then positive (after >45%), NO2 as Positive (0 to 35 microgram/m3) followed by negative trend (after > 40 microgram/m3), SO2 and rainfall as negative relation. After sensitive analysis, it is found that weather variables like relative humidity, solar radiation and rainfall are more sensitive than temperature and wind speed. Whereas pollutants like NO2, PM2.5, PM10 and CO are more sensitive variables than SO2 in this study. In summary this study finds temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, SO2, PM2.5, and CO may be important factors associated with COVID 19 pandemic.
Keywords: Weather parameter, Air pollutants, Daily COVID 19 cases, Akaike s Information Criteria (AIC), Generalized Additive Model (GAM) and Sensitive analysis.