The association of rain and wind composes wind-driven rain (WDR), and its incidence may be crucial to the emergence of anomalies on the facades of buildings. Moisture from the WDR can influence the humidification and drying process, therefore the durability and hygrothermal performance are conditioned by the amount of incident water. The quantification of WDR can be an indispensable tool for understanding its related phenomena and the service life of buildings. The most widely used methods of quantification are the semi-empirical, with theoretical basis, but coefficients partially determined from measurements. These methods may take into account the building exposure conditions related to the envelope, solar orientation, height of the building, and other parameters. In this context, in order to contribute to the studies on quantification of WDR, the purpose of this paper is to apply hygrothermal simulation software WUFI Ò on quantification of WDR focusing on buildings degradation of Brasília-Brazil. For the simulation it was used a Typical Meteorological Year file with the wind and precipitation measurement data indispensable for simulation. The quantification of incidence of WDR considered the orientations North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, and Northwest. The use of semi-empirical WUFI Ò quantification method allowed finding the highest values and consequently critical orientations North, Northwest, and Northeast, moreover, this results showed the relation with the degradation of facades in these orientations. WUFI proved to be an easy, fast and efficient method of WDR quantification, without hiding seasonal weather effects.