Jacob PF, Hedwig B. Impact of cercal air currents on singing motor pattern generation in the cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus DeGeer). J Neurophysiol 114: 2649 -2660, 2015. First published September 2, 2015; doi:10.1152/jn.00669.2015.-The cercal system of crickets detects low-frequency air currents produced by approaching predators and self-generated air currents during singing, which may provide sensory feedback to the singing motor network. We analyzed the effect of cercal stimulation on singing motor pattern generation to reveal the response of a singing interneuron to predator-like signals and to elucidate the possible role of self-generated air currents during singing. In fictive singing males, we recorded an interneuron of the singing network while applying air currents to the cerci; additionally, we analyzed the effect of abolishing the cercal system in freely singing males. In fictively singing crickets, the effect of short air stimuli is either to terminate prematurely or to lengthen the interchirp interval, depending on their phase in the chirp cycle. Within our stimulation paradigm, air stimuli of different velocities and durations always elicited an inhibitory postsynaptic potential in the singing interneuron. Current injection in the singing interneuron elicited singing motor activity, even during the air current-evoked inhibitory input from the cercal pathway. The disruptive effects of air stimuli on the fictive singing pattern and the inhibitory response of the singing interneuron point toward the cercal system being involved in initiating avoidance responses in singing crickets, according to the established role of cerci in a predator escape pathway. After abolishing the activity of the cercal system, the timing of natural singing activity was not significantly altered. Our study provides no evidence that selfgenerated cercal sensory activity has a feedback function for singing motor pattern generation. cercal sensory system; air stimulus; singing central pattern generator interneuron; escape response TERRESTRIAL ANIMALS are constantly subjected to air currents, which, among others, can be of atmospheric origin, produced by approaching predators and conspecifics, or self-generated.Crickets, cockroaches, and locusts detect air currents through the cerci, two appendages at the rear of the abdomen (Edwards and Palka 1974) that carry up to 2,000 mechanosensitive filiform hairs (Chiba et al. 1992). Each filiform hair is innervated by a single sensory neuron, which makes synaptic connections with ascending interneurons, like the giant interneurons (GIs), in the terminal abdominal ganglion (TAG; Edwards and Palka 1974). Stimulation of the cercal pathway with salient air currents as generated by predators triggers escape responses and aggressive and freezing reactions and alters the singing behavior in male crickets (Baba and Shimozawa 1997;Dambach et al. 1983;Kohstall-Schnell and Gras 1994;Lewkiewicz and Zuk 2004;Matsuura et al. 2002). Air currents directed to the cerci evoke silencing responses in singing ...