The article looks into the problematic issue of forming/developing teaching staff’s cyber security skills (a case study of the teachers from the National University of Defence of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi). The importance of this issue is fueled by the analysis of cyber security of user information on personal computers through the prism of vulnerabilities in the security mechanisms implementation for Microsoft Windows operating system (versions 7, 10), including access procedures. The key steps and specificities of the procedure for granting access (identification, authentication and authorization) in Microsoft Windows operating system are described. A survey among the teachers-respondents was conducted to figure out whether they understand the essence of the procedure for granting access and have some idea about methods of hacking, bypassing and protecting this access. The survey revealed that the teaching staff totally misunderstand the concepts and procedures. The issue of forming/developing teaching staff’s cyber security skills becomes even more relevant amid the implementation of basic cyber security principles in Ukraine, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in 2017. Accordingly, the authors describe typical modern tools of hacking, bypassing and protecting the procedure for granting access in Microsoft Windows operating systems (versions 7, 10), which will enable everyone to master some practical steps in order to realize the importance and necessity of key tools and techniques of ensuring personal cyber security. In doing so, the authors intended to visualize possible ways of cyber security violation and increase awareness about them with the aim of preventing cyber risks. In addition, the authors seek to inform different categories of people that contemporary information and communications technologies not only expand the capabilities of our global digital society, but also increase exponentially the number of objects vulnerable to cyber threats. In addition, our task was to promote the issues of forming/developing teachers’ skills in supporting their cyber security by training them to implement some cyber security tools and techniques aimed at reducing cyber risks. Our attention is also paid to some ethical aspects in reviewing the outlined outcomes, presented for educational purposes in an effort to raise public awareness of the described vulnerabilities, which pose cyber risks to those involved in information sphere.