Summary. A time-dependent study of the formation, distribution and destruction of atmospheric ozone is made for a meridional plane between 15 km and 4b km under the assumption of zonal symmetry. Included are time-effects of photochemistry, advection and turbulence, using presently available information on theoretical and observational data. The attempt is made to investigate the important part played by pure photochemistry, by the various transport processes and by the combination of both.In the photochemical calculations the equations of a pure oxygen photochemistry and solar ultraviolet energy data obtained from recent rocket observations are used. MtrRCATROYD and SINOLETO~'S results of a "possible meridional circulation" and PRABHA~ZARA' S pattern of large-scale eddy diffusion, derived from the spread of radioactive tungsten in the stratosphere, are assumed to be the basic transport meachanisms.Several combinations of these non-photochemical processes are tested in the model and compared with recent observations. The relatively largest seasonal variations of the O3-concentration take place in the upper stratosphere with a maximum concentration in the high-latitude winter-hemisphere. In the midstratosphere the maximum concentration appears over the equatorial latitudes following the sun's position. In the lower stratosphere the highest Os-concentrations are over the polar latitudes throughout the year.The seasonal variation of the total ozone at middle and high latitudes can be explained by photochemical effects, the increase of total ozone with increas-1 This investigation was begun while the author was on leave at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, USA. R~sum6. On examine ici la formation, la propagation et la destruction de l'ozone atmosph6rique dans un profil m6ridien entre 15 et 45 km d'altitude. Pour cela, on admet une sym6trie zonale et qu'il s'agit d'un probl~me non stationnaire. On consid6re les influences de la photochimie, de l'advection et de la turbulence en fonefion du temps. On essaie d'6tudier au m oyen d'un module num6rique l'importance des influences de la seule photoehimie, des dlff6rents processus de transport ainsi que la combinaison des deux ph6nom~nes. Dans ce but, on utilise les valeurs th6oriques et exp6rimentales dlsponibles actuellemcnt.Dans le calcul photochimique, on utilise aussi bien les 6quations de la photochimie pure de l'oxyg&ne que des valeurs de l'6nergie solaire disponible, obtenues au moyen de mesures effectu6es avec des fus6es. Comme m6eanismes de transport, on prend cn consideration les r~sultats des 6tudes de MURGATROYD et SINGLETON sur une "circulation m6ridionale possible" ainsi que les valeurs de 13 turbulence des grands espaces utilis6es par PRABHAKARA. Ces derni~res d~coulent de la diss6mination du wolfram radioaetif. On fair figurer dans le module diverses combinaisons de ces grandeurs de transport et on compare les r~sultats alnsi obtenus aux observations les plus rfieentes.Les variations saisonni~res relativement les plus importan...