The research was carried out on the experimental field of FSBEI HE Ulyanovsk SAU in 2017-2019. The purpose of the research was to identify the influence of agroclimatic conditions in the region on the formation of yield and quality of winter wheat grain Saratovskaya 17 against various doses of mineral fertilizers. The experience scheme provided 4 options: 1. Control (without fertilizers); 2. N20P20K20; 3. N40P40K40; 4. N60P60K60. It was found that precipitation during the resumption of vegetation-flowering had a significant impact on the yield of winter wheat grain (R2=0,78). To characterize the humidification of the territory, hydrothermal coefficient was calculated according to G. T. Selyaninov. In 2019, it was 0.21, which characterizes the period as very dry. In 2017 and 2018 weather conditions for winter wheat were more favorable (SCC 0.92 and 0.75-insufficiently moist). An increase in yield was observed at a SCC of 0.92 (2017) in all variants of the experiment. The correlation coefficient between the yield of the studied crop and the SCC indicator was 0.84, which indicates a significant dependence of winter wheat productivity on hydrothermal conditions that develop during the period from the resumption of vegetation to flowering of the crop. It is important to note that the main factor affecting the accumulation of gluten in winter wheat grain Saratovskaya 17 and changes in its elastic-elastic properties are the conditions of mineral nutrition of plants. The coefficient of determination shows that 60% of the gluten quality was determined by the conditions of plant nutrition and did not depend on the prevailing weather conditions.