Internet of Things (IoT) seems a viable way to enable the Smart Cities of the future. iNUIT (Internet of Things for Urban Innovation) is a multi-year research program that aims to create an ecosystem that exploits the variety of data coming from multiple sensors and connected objects installed on the scale of a city, in order to meet specific needs in terms of development of new services (physical security, resource management, etc.). Among the multiple research activities within iNUIT, we present two projects: SmartCrowd and OpEc. SmartCrowd aims at monitoring the crowd's movement during large events. It focuses on real-time tracking using sensors available in smartphones and on the use of a crowd simulator to detect possible dangerous scenarios. A proof-of-concept of the application has been tested at the Paléo Festival (Switzerland) showing the feasibility of the approach. OpEc (Optimisation de l'Eclairage public) aims at using IoT to implement dynamic street light management and control with the goal of reducing street light energy consumption while guaranteeing the same level of security of traditional illumination. The system has been tested during two months in a street in St-Imier (Switzerland) without interruption, validating its stability and resulting in an overall energy saving of about cities but they are easier to observe since they are limited in time and space. The organization and management of big events creates many challenges that can appear as antagonists: maximizing the pleasure of the audience while ensuring the security of the event; maximizing the number of participants while providing a smooth and quick access.Among the many issues, two areas can be considered as critical topics to manage: physical security and mobility. Physical security will probably be the major issue of our cities of the future: no activity can be developed if the security of its inhabitants is not assured. To be successful, major events must guarantee the safety of its participants through the organization of various aspects of security such as crowd management, management of panic situation, monitoring abnormal behaviors, etc.Considering mobility, nowadays mobility's needs show steady growth in cities and they must be managed in terms of infrastructure and resources. When organizing a public event, proper management of the infrastructures is essential; in fact, the transportation of people and materials needs to be as quick and fluid as possible. This requires the optimization of the event topography, the distribution of relevant information in the right place for the participants, the geolocation of vehicles, intelligent parking management, etc.The issues mentioned above concerning safety and mobility raise new challenges and require the development of systems easily accessible, reliable, adaptive, and that preserve privacy. The first requirement to achieve this goal is to guarantee access to sources of rich, multimedia information that can be processed and interpreted to enable reliable decision-making in ...