In this paper, we present a joint research project on communication practices in science blogs that focuses on the negotiation of expertise against the background of potentially divergent expectations of the participants. The object of analysis are the blogposts and comments of the blog portal “SciLogs – Tagebücher der Wissenschaft” (maintained by Spektrum-Verlag since 2000), which will be examined for patterns of language and argumentation using both corpus linguistic and hermeneutic methods of analysis. First explorative approaches, as we present them here in form of a first glimpse on tri-grams, their frequencies and their context, indicate, that – despite the sometimes heated debates – a largely politely conducted communication (distance communication), constructing a kind of stylistic common ground, take place about what is usual, good and right “in der Wissenschaft” [in science] from the different perspectives meeting here and who is (or is not) “in der Lage” [able] to follow the scientific argumentations or to contribute to them constructively.