In this paper we compute explicitly the double ramification hierarchy and its quantization for the D 4 Dubrovin-Saito cohomological field theory obtained applying the Givental-Teleman reconstruction theorem to the D 4 Coxeter group Frobenius manifold, or equivalently the D 4 Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten cohomological field theory (with respect to the non-maximal diagonal symmetry group J = Z/3Z). We then prove its equivalence to the corresponding Dubrovin-Zhang hierarchy, which was known to coincide with the D 4 Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy. Our techniques provide hence an explicit quantization of the D 4 Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy. Moreover, since the DR hierarchy is well defined for partial CohFTs too, our approach immediately computes the DR hierarchies associated to the invariant sectors of the D 4 CohFT with respect to folding of the Dynkin diagram, the B 3 and G 2 Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies. Contents 15 2.5. B 3 and G 2 double ramification hierarchies 17 3. Quantum double ramification hierarchy for the D 4 Dubrovin-Saito CohFT 18 3.1. Quantum double ramification hierarchy 18 3.2. Quantum systems of DR type and the quantum D 4 hierarchy 19 References 20 1. Drinfeld-Sokolov D 4 hierarchy A. du Crest de Villeneuve: LAREMA,