The sufferings of women in the society and other acts of discrimination against women resulted in the rise of women or feminist movements worldwide especially in the Northern countries of the globe. As a result of the dehumanization of women in most communities of the world, many activists and women movements evolved to proffer solutions to women and gender issues. This paper examined the contributions of international, regional, national and local women's movements to development. The paper delved into the Waves of Feminism which made various changes and resulted in major freedom and development for women in education, family life, health wise, employment and politics. It looked at the importance of women to economic development. Various women's movements and networks were discussed. Challenges of these women's movements were identified and recommendations were made. The paper employed secondary sources for information for the study.Every member of the society regardless of their gender, age or class has different roles to play in development. Development processes is a system. The truth is that, if any of the parts of the society is not contributing its quota, the quality of development achieved will be adversely affected. Unfortunately, our society had been immersed by patriarchy, sexism and gender discrimination, thereby, making development one sided and incomplete.Women from the beginning of feminism, campaigned for women's rights including the rights to education, vote, work, earn fair and equal pay with men for equal job, hold public office, own property, enter contracts, equal rights within marriage and enjoy maternity leave. Feminists have also campaigned and worked tirelessly to promote women bodily and integrity, protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment and domestic violence (Echols 1989). These activities of women had enhanced women's development. If a woman is developed, her family,