Published data or available literature on planning, design, construction, performance, and renovation criteria for sustainable buildings have been focused on several parts, such as some parts of construction, or some stages, such as design and construction stages, due to a limited number of collaborative scholars or scopes of their research. Usually, these data have been published scattered or presented partially in various papers; there has not been any paper published these data, all-stage ‘plan-design, construction, performance, and renovation’ criteria, together. Hence, this paper aims to collect these data and publish them together. The data collection was conducted by our team, 25 members, who specialized in sustainable urban, architectural, and civil engineering and construction management. After collection, the review outputs of sustainable building criteria were validated based on a group consensus. This consensus-based validation procedure was conducted through meetings. These meetings extensively discussed the relevance and importance of the collective criteria and focused on their applicability to Cambodia. The collective data demonstrated in this paper could be useful to researchers in the fields. They could also be useful collective knowledge and information for policymakers from the governments and development partners, as well as architectural and construction engineering companies.