ResumoRealizou-se adaptação cultural do Inventário de Oldenburg para estudantes (OLBI-S) em português e estimou-se sua confiabilidade e validade. O OLBI-S foi preenchido por 958 estudantes universitários brasileiros e 602 portugueses. O modelo fatorial original apresentou ajustamento adequado mas foram removidos dois itens com confiabilidade individual baixa (λ<0,5). A nova estrutura apresentou bom ajustamento a 2/3 da amostra total sendo invariante no 1/3 restante da amostra. Verificou-se baixa consistência interna e validade convergente, confiabilidade compósita aceitável, boa validade discriminante, concorrente e divergente. O OLBI-S não foi invariante nas amostras de Brasil e Portugal. O OLBI-S apresentou limitações e ausência de validade transcultural nas amostras estudadas. Palavras-chave: Burnout, estudantes universitários, avaliação, Psicometria.
AbstractThe Oldenburg Burnout Inventory for college students (OLBI-S) was adapted to Brazilian Portuguese and its reliability and validity were measured in a sample of both Brazilian (n=958) and Portuguese (n=602) college students. The confirmatory factor analysis of the OLBI-S showed good fit but two items were removed since they lacked individual reliability (λ<.50). The new structure showed good fit to 2/3 of the test sample and was invariant to the other 1/3 of the total sample. Convergent validity and internal consistency were low, but discriminant, concurrent and divergent validity were good. The OLBI-S was not invariant in the Brazilian and Portuguese samples. The adapted OLBI-S did not show cross-cultural validity. Keywords: Burnout, college students, evaluation, Psychometrics.The burnout syndrome was initially defined as a psychological condition related to work in help professions and that require interaction with others, and is characterized by high levels of emotional exhaustion, high disbelief in the function and low professional accomplishment. Initially, it was believed that the burnout syndrome affected only professionals with extensive human interaction as social workers, nurses, doctors and psychologists. However, currently it is known that the burnout syndrome exceeds care services, since the stressors that can initiate it may be present in any workplace (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, & Schaufeli, 2001). More recently, higher education students have been identified in the literature as a vulnerable group for the development of Burnout (Balogun, Helgemoe, Pellegrini, & Hoeberlein, 1995;Marôco & Tecedeiro, 2009;Marôco, Tecedeiro, Martins, & Meireles, 2008;Martinez, Pinto, & Silva, 2000;Schaufeli, Martinez, Pinto, Salanova, & Bakker, 2002) due to socio-economic pressures, concerns about their professional future, relationships with peers and teachers, tests and papers to which they are constantly exposed, and therefore constitute a risk population to be studied.Carlotto and Câmara (2006), Dyrbye et al. (2010), Martinez et al. (2000 and Salanova, Schaufeli, Martinez, and Breso (2010) and emphasize that early detection of symptomatic significant l...