This study is directed to answer the utilization of positive organization behaviour (POB) theory to encourage the actual state-like psychological resource capacities such as self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience to ascertain workforce capabilities and issues of job performance quality aspects of in-role behaviour and extra-role behaviour, which the researcher believes it can contribute to the development of the workforce. The questions and relationship of many factors towards job performance quality has been widely debated in human resources field, with scholars discusses various facets such as psychological well-being, performance appraisal, and workplace environment, however the application and implementation of POB are still less discussed in the Asia country as a whole and Malaysia context as compared to the Western region.
This study will also examine the moderating effects of work engagement on the relationship of POB and job performance capabilities among public sector staff in Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya, which focuses to the “Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik” (PTD) officer with the current service year maximum of 5 years. Data will be collected via questionnaires and the study will be using SPSS and AMOS to analyse the data. A quantitative study will be conducted towards the process of gaining data and a result regarding POB, work engagement and job performance quality to uncover the philosophy of organizational behaviour with the psychology adding concept and directly it hopes to reveal its antecedents and consequences.
Therefore, the findings will be expected to show the effects of POB and work engagement in job performance capabilities which substantial for the public sector staff in order to improve their service quality and higher performance.