Home care work is female-dominated, generally precarious, and takes place in transient and sometimes multiple workplaces. Home care workers can engage in relatively complex employment-related geographical mobility (E-RGM) to, from, and often between work locations that can change frequently and are remote from the location of their employer. Like other precarious workers, home care workers may be more likely to experience work-related health and safety injuries and illnesses than non-precarious workers. Their complex patterns of E-RGM may contribute to the risk of injury and illness. This paper explores patterns of E-RGM and ways they influence the risk of injury and illness among unionized home care workers living and working in two regions of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) on Canada's east coast. It uses Quinlan & Bohle's pressure, disorganization, and regulatory failure (PDR) model to help make sense of the vulnerability of these workers to occupational health and safety (OHS) risks. The study uses a qualitative, multi-methods approach consisting of semi-structured interviews and a review of government and home care agency policies, as well as 20 NL home care collective agreements. It addresses two main questions: What are the work-related health and safety experiences of interviewed NL unionized home care workers? How do policies (government and home care agency) and collective agreements interact with E-RGM to mitigate or exacerbate the OHS challenges confronting these workers? Findings show that these workers experience numerous work-related health and safety issues many of which are related to working in remote, transient, and multiple workplaces. While collective agreements mitigate some health and safety issues, they do not fully address particular OHS risks associated with working alone,