Th is study was purposed to examine the confirmatory factorial structure of the Work Relat ionships Scale (WRS); to investigate the correlations between work relat ionships, perceived stress, anxiety, and depression; and to exp lore the roles of a few workplace-related factors on these constructs. Participants were 318 employees that selected by random sampling method within a survey fro m the higher education, govern mental and industrial workplace sectors, Eghlid city, Iran. A demographic questionnaire and four self-rat ing measures were used in this study. The validity and reliability of the WRS were affirmed in this study. Resulting data showed that the WRS is a mult ifaceted construct with three factors: (1) criticism, procrustean, and coercion, (2) satisfactory; and (3) supportive and empathic relationships. The first factor was significantly and positive correlated with work stress, depression, and anxiety. The second factor was not significantly correlated to work stress, depression, and anxiety. The third factor was negative and significantly correlated to the work stress. Work stress, depression, and anxiety were positive and significantly correlated to each other. The type of workplace; work experience, type of job, and the level of p rofessional expertise were significantly effect ive on the dependents variables in this sample.